Dry Eye Blog
Answering the question ‘can stress worsen dry eye?’ and sharing ways to manage stress and your dry eye symptoms.
Whether you call it eye goop, crusties or gunk, there are times when a bit of mucus around your eyes is normal — and times when it’s not. Learn how a dry eye optometrist can help.
Studies have found a correlation between asthma and dry eye syndrome. Fortunately, a dry eye optometrist can help by treating your uncomfortable dry eye symptoms.
Isotretinoin, popularly known as Accutane, is a very effective acne medication that may cause eye dryness. In this article, we explain why it causes dry eye symptoms and what you can do to prevent or treat such an occurrence.
Please share a little bit about how dry eye examinations can be covered by medical insurance and why
Many medical insurance will cover a full eye exam for complaints with dry eye. Dry eye and tear film quality in general has so much to do with the way that we see that it is not given nearly enough credit in some circumstances, in my opinion. I tell patients...
If your eyes burn, itch or feel gritty, you may have dry eye syndrome. This is typically caused by a low production of tears or low-quality tears. Many substances and situations can cause dry eyes, such as the medication you’re taking, the time spent staring at your phone or computer...